ACDA Map Project

In October 2023, the ACDA created an interactive map project for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Each candle on the interactive map represents a child affected by ACDMPV in our ACDA registered families.

Please click on the interactive map and use the zoom in/out to view individual names, locations and dates.

Maps provide perspective and context regarding the tragic impacts of ACDMPV on a global scale. We hope the narrative demonstrated by this map will provide a sense of community within our ACDA families. A suggested idea is to view the individual map details while lighting your candle on October 15 during the ACDA Wave of Light.

We encourage you to take a moment to click on the interactive map and reflect on the lives of these precious children and the heartbreaking loss endured by their respective families, friends and loved ones.

Please go HERE to learn how to participate in the ACDA Wave of Light on October 15, 2023. #WaveofLight #ACDAWaveofLight

Projects for October 15 in prior years have included collages of our babies, photo project of bereaved parents, memorial wall, luminaries, calligraphy, written word project about grief over time, audio compilation of spoken names and a story-telling project about the meaning behind the names of children affected by ACDMPV.  Many of the past projects can be viewed at any time on our website.